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At the same moment one person could be happy while another person is unhappy?


At the same moment, one person could be happy while another person is unhappy

You are born rich, your grandfathers and grandparents have left you a business, and you are quite happy with it.  And another is born in a little village, uneducated, toiling day after day and he doesn’t know about happiness or unhappiness,  he is just doing working, working, working.  Does happiness depend on circumstances, on work,  on what you are doing,  or on your satisfaction in doing something? 

Happiness or Pleasure 

Happiness can be said that when you are satisfied.  That you are fully satisfied with what you are doing and you are feeling cheerful about it.  And I am not satisfied with doing something and I am very unhappy about it.  Is satisfaction synonymous with happiness?  And am I seeking continuous satisfaction?  This means I am seeking all the time gratification and I will be happy or is happiness something that comes and goes,  that is a by-product, it is not very important? 

The window, the word ‘window’ is not the actual window.  The painting of a river is not an actual river, that is just a shade or shadow of that river.

You are the knowledge which is the past.  You are nothing but memories. If your memories gone away, then who are you dear?  So your memories, which is always the past, is what you are.  Your tradition, as a Hindu, as a Parsi, as a Muslim, and so on,  that’s the result of years of propaganda, years of tradition,  which is the activity of thought.  So you are thought.  If you don’t think at all, what are you?  You are the whole and basic part of your past.  That past is modifying itself in the present and continues as the future.  So you are the past, the present, and the future.  If you all time is contained.  And the self, the ‘me’, my name, my quality, my achievement, my ambition, my pain, my sorrow, is all the past.  And the self is the essence of the past, which is memory.  And therefore, the self is very, very limited.  And that’s why the self is causing so much mischief in the world.  Each self is out for itself.  You are out for your own self. If you were honest, see this clearly, aren’t you out for yourself?  Your ambition, your achievement, your fulfillment, your satisfaction.  So thought is you. 

Thought is limited because all knowledge is limited.  Therefore, yourself is the most limited thing. So therefore you are being the reason for enormous conflict because the self is separative divisive. The explanation is not the fact.  The fact is for you to see this for yourself.  If you see this for yourself and say, ‘I like the way I am going on,  perfectly all right.  But you know for yourself that you are creating your own way to live or path to move in this universe, and always you prefer to walk that way. But there might be some people who say that is not the way to live.  One must live with a global brain, without any division, without any nationality, without any self.  Don’t make that into some kind of heightened illumination only a few can reach.  Anybody who sets his brain and heart to understand the nature of the self and be free of that self,  anybody can do it if they put their mind. 

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